Public Statement: Falmouth Station Changes

Board of Directors December 13, 2023

The Falmouth Economic Development & Industrial Corporation (EDIC) operates the Falmouth Station under a long-term lease agreement with the State of Massachusetts. The Falmouth EDIC completed a full restoration of the building in 2017 and has operated it as the primary transportation hub for the Falmouth community for the past six years. The Falmouth EDIC has three tenants in the building including Peter Pan Bus Lines, Plymouth and Brockton and Mr. John Marcellino, who operates the Station Grill.

Over the past five years the Falmouth Station has operated at a financial deficit. Due to this reoccurring shortfall, operational considerations and the imminent conclusion of Mr. Marcellino’s lease for the Station Grill on December 31, 2023, the Board of Directors has determined that it is not in the EDIC’s best interest to undertake a recompete for a long-term lease of the Station Grill, as is required by Massachusetts procurement laws, if the space were to be re-let. The Falmouth EDIC Board thanks John Marcellino and his wife Marion for their efforts to provide a food and beverage concession to the patrons of the Falmouth Station over the past five years.

The EDIC Board will evaluate other potential configurations for the Station which better meet the longterm operational and financial objectives for this community asset. This evaluation and its related efforts are anticipated to take approximately four months. The goal is to reset the Station operations before the peak travel and bike path season in the summer of 2024.

The vestibule access for the bus operators and patrons will remain open throughout this period. The EDIC will be investing in access control and security enhancements to allow public access to the Station interiors and restrooms beginning no later than February 1st. These operational changes will not directly affect the Peter Pan or P&B bus operations or schedules.

The Falmouth EDIC is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization established in 1981 by a Falmouth Town Meeting vote, in accordance with Chapter 121C of the Massachusetts General Laws. The EDIC Board is comprised of seven volunteer directors who donate their time and energy to the organization and receive no compensation for this work. The objective of the Falmouth EDIC is to increase business and industrial investment; expand opportunities to own, manage, and operate retail, commercial and industrial enterprises; identify funding assistance; and increase job opportunities in the Town of Falmouth.

For further information on the Falmouth EDIC or the Falmouth Station please contact Wayne Lingafelter, Executive Director, Falmouth EDIC at 

Falmouth EDIC