EDIC Hears Proposal For Falmouth Station Advisory Committee

By Calli Remillard
Falmouth Enterprise

Falmouth Economic Development & Industrial Corporation has been asked to consider forming a citizens advisory committee for Falmouth Station that would be able to assist with maintaining and improving the property.

Town Meeting member Paul Dreyer (Precinct Two), who is also an elected member of the planning board, spoke about the Falmouth Station projects listed on the agenda and introduced the proposal for the EDIC’s consideration at its meeting on Tuesday, May 10.

“Most of the board members are not familiar with the development of this project and what really has happened since then,” Mr. Dreyer said. “I was an early proponent of the station. I stood here 10 years ago asking the select board to support the rehabilitation of the station. They encouraged me and really were very, very supportive of it, and I continue to be interested.” To read more of this article click here.

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