EDIC Votes To Send Two Candidates To Select Board For Approval

By Calli Remillard
Falmouth Enterprise

The Falmouth Economic Development and Industrial Corporation is poised to present to the select board for its approval two candidates to fill two open positions on the EDIC board.

Mark Lowenstein and Adrian Merryman each participated in a brief interview during the EDIC’s last two meetings. The Falmouth residents both shared information about their professional experience and areas of expertise with the board.

Mr. Lowenstein, who was interviewed on January 18, explained how he was recently active with the EDIC through his work with Community Development Block Grants. A former lawyer in the high tech field who grew up in the Boston area, Mr. Lowenstein has owned a house in Falmouth for 30 years and lived here full time for the past 10 years. He then ventured into entrepreneurship and found success in small businesses.

Later, he became a college professor in Vermont, where he attended college. As part of his work in higher education, Mr. Lowenstein joined the Rutland Economic Development Committee, which furthered his interests in creating economic vitality in communities. He has also worked recently with Cape Cod SCORE, a small-business management consulting agency. To read more of this article click here.

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