Phase Two Of Solar Array At Falmouth Landfill To Be Operational Later This Year
By Jeff Billard
Falmouth Enterprise
Phase two construction of the solar array at the capped Falmouth landfill off Thomas B. Landers Road is well underway and should be completed by the end of May or beginning of June, according to Falmouth Economic Development and Industrial Corporation executive director Michael DiGiano.
This second and final phase is scheduled to be functioning during the third quarter of this year and will provide two megawatts of clean and renewable energy to go along with the four megawatts that are already being generated by phase one.
Phase one, completed in 2017, has already generated enough electricity to bring in $500,000 in yearly revenue to the town through Eversource.
Some of the revenue generated from phase two is going to benefit low-income ratepayers in Falmouth in the form of $300 electric bill credits.
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