Press Release: Falmouth EDIC Update on CDBG Grant Awards
Falmouth EDIC Announces CDBG Grant Program Update and Grant Awardees
FALMOUTH, MA, August 2, 2021 — Falmouth Economic Development & Industrial Corporation (EDIC) announced today that a total of 12 Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) have been awarded to local Falmouth businesses to date, totaling a sum awarded of $119,300.
The Falmouth Select Board, working in partnership with the Falmouth EDIC, received $148,840 in funding by the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. These grants for up to $10,000 are to support low to moderate income business owners of micro-enterprises in Falmouth that have been negatively impacted by COVID-19 business interruptions.
At the July 26th Falmouth Select Board meeting, EDIC board member Michael Galasso informed the Board that the EDIC, working in conjunction with the Falmouth Chamber, Cape Cod SCORE and the Town of Falmouth Planning Department has awarded a total of $119,300 in CDBG assistance grants to 12 small businesses in Falmouth. “Interest in the program has been strong” reported Mr. Galasso, “and since March 1st we have been able to award 80% of the grant funds to Falmouth small business that have experienced substantial losses due to the Covid-19 pandemic.” Most businesses are using the grant funds to help pay back rent, utilities, payroll, special equipment, supplies and marketing expenses.
In separate emails to the Select Board, grant recipients expressed just how meaningful the grants have been to their operations. Diane Edelberg owner of Funtastic Getaways in Falmouth, a tour company with 3 employees offering senior tours to over 8,000 Cape residents, wrote “I spent 2020 cancelling trips as each month dragged on….The funds from the grant allowed us to be able to print and mail brochures and keep the business going until we were allowed to run tours again. I can’t thank you enough for the grant. It was a life saver that came at exactly the right time…” Other Falmouth small businesses receiving grants were Artisan Salon, Byway Barber, Collaborative Therapies, Cranberry Nail Spa, D. Hazelton Inc., Falmouth Auto Center, Stone’s Barber Shop, Tanorama Day Spa, The Art of Beauty, Woods Hole Passage Inn and Courtney’s Floral Creations.
Mr. Galasso reported that the EDIC has only $29,000 in funds remaining and he urged interested small business owners to apply on-line at or call the EDIC’s offices at 508-548-7440 for more information. “These funds must be awarded and spent by the end of the year so we want to make sure that any small business that can qualify receives funding”.
About Falmouth Economic Development & Industrial Corporation (EDIC)
Falmouth EDIC is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization established in 1981 by vote of Town Meeting to develop the Tech Park on Thomas Landers Road, with a vision to increase business and industrial opportunities; expand the opportunities to own, manage and operate commercial and industrial enterprises; provide funding assistance; and increase job opportunities in Falmouth. The EDIC’s mission is to attract, advocate and support economic vitality and seek to constantly improve the business climate in Falmouth.
Press Contact
Lynne Broderick: 508-548-7440,