Question Arises As To Who Pays For Community Internet Study
Falmouth Enterprise
Falmouth Economic Industrial and Development Corporation on Tuesday, October 13, received an update on FalmouthNet from board member Art Gaylord. In November 2020, a feasibility study funded by the EDIC was conducted by CCG Consulting, and results showed that Falmouth is, in fact, a feasible area for a fiber optic network.
“We were very grateful that the EDIC stepped forward and provided $52,000 to fund that initial study that got things going,” Mr. Gaylord said. “Since then, a lot has been happening.”
He told the board that FalmouthNet is now a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Mr. Gaylord also reported that FalmouthNet is currently refining its design for the fiber optic network, having recently put out a request for proposals for an engineering design that will actually consider the street-by-street requirements of implementing the network. This phase of the project, he said, was largely funded by state legislators, Senator Susan L. Moran and Representatives David T. Vieira and Dylan Fernandes. Using a combination of on-site time and virtual assets like Google street view, the engineers will be able to determine specific needs of Falmouth in terms of implementing fiber optics. To read more of this article click here.