Meeting Minutes
Falmouth Town Hall, 59 Town Hall Sq., Falmouth, MA 02540, Select Board Meeting Room
Christopher Land (C), Christopher Simmler (VC), Michael Galasso and Samuel Patterson
Thomas Feronti
8:30 am* CALL TO ORDER
A quorum was established. The Chair called the meeting to order.
Carol Chittenden from the League of Women’s Voters stated she was sorry to see Mike DiGiano and Lynne Broderick leave the EDIC. She noted she has seen very impressive service and the positive difference they have made. This difference speaks to all the work that all the volunteer board members have done during the past years leading up to present. She hopes this is kept in mind when choosing new staff.
John Stegeman stated his support of John and Marian Marcellino in their seeking of a renewed lease at the Station Grill; citing he is speaking for himself as well as a large number of residents within the community. He expressed it was a place everyone enjoys going to. He feels John and Marian have made a great success of the Station Grill and it is an asset to the Town. He believes for future consideration it would be wise for the EDIC board to initiate the ability to continue this service to the community.
Paul Burke
Burke referred to the financial reports.
Donna Withrow provided a draft report of the June financials this month, as she was out of the office on leave, therefore the full month data is not included. When she returns next month she will complete the June report and provide an updated and full financial accounting.
The warrant was reviewed by the Board. Simmler inquired about the Station Grill invoice for $1,050. Broderick advised it was a modified cleaning invoice. There was a variance in cleaning hours as was instructed by the EDIC. An email was sent to the contractor notifying him of this variance and our adjustment of the invoice; requesting that he respond should he wish to discuss or dispute this circumstance. The vendor did not respond.
Galasso inquired if any of the utility invoices were being charged back to the Falmouth Station tenants. Broderick advised they were not. Simmler stated it would be part of new lease contracts.
MOTION: Land made a motion to approve the warrant in the amount of $18,967.09. Simmler 2nd the motion. All in favor. Motion passed.
Mr. Holmes has been a Commercial Loan Officer at Cape Cod Five Savings Bank, Falmouth, MA since March 2020.
He moved to Falmouth in 1985 and was a student at Falmouth Academy, going on to Boston College for his college degree.
After college he returned to Falmouth in 1996 and started his banking career at Cape Cod Bank and Trust. He has worked in other Cape towns: Mashpee, Osterville, Centerville.
His banking career took him off Cape in 2014, but when there was an opportunity to come back to Falmouth in 2020, he was thrilled to do so.
Mr. Holmes said he has enjoyed spending time working in the Falmouth community and he is excited and motivated with the opportunity to join the EDIC board, to learn and help achieve the EDIC objectives.
MOTION: Simmler made a motion to move Kevin Holmes application for an EDIC board appointment as Treasurer to the Board of Selectmen to replace Paul Burke. Burke 2nd. All in favor. Motion passed.
Broderick advised she received 27 applications for the Administration position and 11 Executive Director resumes. The executive sub-committee will review a reduced number that has passed the initial screening. Simmler would like to have the final ED candidates attend the August board meeting for full board interview.
Broderick referred to the Transition Plan/ Project List which both she and DiGiano are willing to continue to manage until replacements are hired and trained.
MOTION: Galasso made the motion to form a sub-committee of the Chair and Vice-Chair to review and grant authority by the Board to hire an Administrator. Patterson 2nd the motion. All in favor. Motion approved.
MOTION: Patterson made a motion to approve the June 8, 2021 Board Meeting Minutes. Burke 2nd the motion. All in favor. Motion approved.
MOTION: Galasso made a motion to approve but hold for release the June 8, 2021 Executive Session Board Meeting Minutes. Patterson 2nd the motion. All in favor. Motion approved.
Patti Haney’s board position has expired, and if Chris Simmler resigns his position, it will be a 2nd board position open. The skills criteria to fill are: Affordable Housing and Industrial Development. Patterson and Galasso will reach out to the Affordable Housing community to inquire if there is any interest to serve on the EDIC board. Broderick to reach out to the Town Management to inquire if the open board positions detail the experience required to fill the position. Galasso remarked that is would be good to try to add diversity to the board membership.
The Falmouth Village Association requested funding for Movies Under the Stars. As well, the non-profit Bands for Badges has requested a donation to their organization which hosts fund raising concerts which provides financial assistance to public safety professionals and people in the armed forces. The board discussed if the EDIC is in a good enough financial position to be generous at this time, and if the donation would contribute to employment in Falmouth, an underlying mission of the EDIC.
MOTION: Simmler made a motion to donate $500 to Movies Under the Stars for sponsorship. Patterson 2nd the motion. All in favor. Motion approved.
Paul Dreyer advised once the application by the Historical Commission to identify the Falmouth Station as a historical building he brought the idea of making the building more of a historical venue. Dreyer shared a selection of old photographs done by John Taylor and Alan Woodward of the Falmouth Station when it was a train railway as examples of those that may be hung at the Falmouth Station. Mr. Dreyer said the patrons of the Falmouth Station are very interested in the history of the building. Mr. Dreyer showed a summary of the history of the Falmouth Station which is being considered for framing/ hanging and also wrote a brief history of the Wampanoag tribe.
DiGiano recommended that a policy/process is established to control what/where the artwork is displayed as well as for performing artists. The Board agreed that an EDIC Management sign needs to be posted inside the building to direct all facility management questions to the EDIC.
Land said the Falmouth Station sub-committee would review/approve all new artwork within the Station. As well, the tenants are to be notified of the policy/process of artwork and performing artists at the facility. DiGiano will work on providing a draft of a policy.
Galasso suggested involving the Falmouth Historical Society for suggestions and assistance with how to display historical artifacts at the Falmouth Station.
DiGiano filed the deck structural plan for the State Building Permit. The inspector advised the application was complete.
DiGiano provided the Tenant with the Liquor License application process with the State and Town.
The Board discussed the heating system at the Falmouth Station, replacement options and timing.
9:20 CDBG Community Development Block Grant COVID-19
Mike DiGiano, Lynne Broderick
DiGiano reported 11 applications were approved to date, funding about $109K. There are approximately 4 more grants available. Funding was just recently released to the Town to send to the awardee. A PR event was discussed as desired.
Mike DiGiano, Chris Simmler
DiGiano reported there is a signed M.O.U. with Mass Development for the funding. Two consultants have been selected to perform the analysis: 1. Transportation Master Plan 2. Housing Alternatives. The initial site visit will be on July 20th.
Mike DiGiano
DiGiano advised he was able to obtain a removal bond quote for the MERCo which didn’t involve an EDIC corporate guarantee. The EDIC submitted a draw for the first phase of the funding.
Mike DiGiano
DiGiano is still working on the drainage easement reduction on Lot 21. He is in the process of arranging a meeting with Mike McGrath, Town Planning Board and Town Engineer.
Mike DiGiano
DiGiano advised that Citizen’s Energy has completed the solar array. They are working with Eversource to obtain their interconnection permit; hopefully this will be by the end of summer.
Citizens is continuing to work on promoting sign-ups for the Joe-4-Sun program for lower income residents in Falmouth.
Mike DiGiano
DiGiano stated that Open Cape is rolling out a new marketing plan to promote new sign-ups.
Broderick advised there are 38 connections to date. The EDIC has received $3,920 from the $10 Connection Fees from current users, and there is $11,100 left from the $50K grant for future free connections.
Mike DiGiano
Patterson said the committee is still working on raising money for an engineering design, to use to eventually go to bid.
DiGiano mentioned reading a news article that said the FalmouthNet went to a Select Board meeting, citing their intention was to put an article on the Town Meeting warrant for $200K for an engineering study. He reminded the Board of a previous Board discussion to meet with FalmouthNet to coordinate efforts.
Galasso expressed that if the EDIC was not going to be involved in the project, then he wants the EDIC to request reimbursement of the $50K from FalmouthNet for the funds the EDIC invested for the fiber optic network study. Patterson suggested that Mike DiGiano start this conversation with FalmouthNet.
MOTION: Land made a motion to adjourn the Public Session and move to Executive Session, not to return to the Public Session, to discuss the Falmouth Station café lease and procurement process and the Executive Director and Administrator resumes as discussion of these subjects in the Public Session would be detrimental to the EDIC’s negotiation position. Patterson 2nd the motion. Roll Call: Patterson Aye, Land Aye, Simmler Aye, Galasso Aye.
NEXT MEETING – August 10th, 2021, 8:30am
*Times listed are intended merely for guidance.
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