Shining Sea Bikeway Closing Temporarily October 15, 2024

The bikeway will close between Ter Heun and Locust Street. There will be no access to the path at all in this zone for the duration of construction.

The path will close Tuesday, October 15, 2024. Our goal is to reopen the bikeway no later than March 2025, but this timeline is subject to change. Unforeseen circumstances, like weather, can alter construction schedules significantly.

Construction on the bike path is part of the Martha’s Vineyard Reliability and 91 Cable Replacement Projects. Four submarine cables currently supply Martha’s Vineyard’s electric load. They interconnect to an existing Falmouth substation. We are replacing one submarine cable and installing a fifth, new cable. Please visit our website (see below) for more information.

Construction on the Shining Sea bikeway will consist of the installment of a system of underground vaults, also referred to as manholes, and underground electrical conduits, also referred to as duct bank. We will remove approximately 28 Black Locust Trees. The root structures of this invasive species raise the pavement and cause bumps year after year. After this step, we will install cable and restore any areas disturbed by the work, including widening and repaving the bike path.

How to Reach Us for Help
(833) 836-0302


Falmouth EDIC